How to post your ad?


How do I place an advert?

Go to the contact us page where you can fill out your rent/space details and your contact details  which we will publish.

How do I remove an advert?

Go to the contact us page or email us and we will remove your advert.

This will then be updated please allow up to one week for your details to be updated on our website and the customer will be able to contact you directly from the contact details you have provided.

Posting your ad ?

When you post your ad, you can choose to receive replies to your ad by email, by phone, or both methods.

Do I have to register to post an ad on Rent and Lease a Space ?

You do not have to register to post an ad you can simply send your contact details to the via contact us page  with your name,email address and contact number.

Can I post an ad which is not listed in the drop down menu ?

You are only allowed to post an ad from the categories listed.

What areas do you cover?

We cover inner and outer London.

Do I have to pay to use the site?



The Services: 

Rent and Lease provides a venue to introduce members who want to place ad for space which is available to rent/lease by advertisement.

Rent and Lease does not involve any part in the sale other than by providing our Website as a venue for their members.

A contract of sale will be formed between the buyer and the seller directly.

We do not act as agent for either party and do not participate in any sale or transaction between you and other members, Transactions and all other contact between you and other members are conducted entirely at your own risk.

We also do not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage to contract agreed

Disclaimer: You expressly understand and agree that your use of the Services is at your sole risk. All listing shall be made in good faith.